Peter Rubie Literary Agent specializes in a broad range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction. Literary Agent Peter Rubie is a member of AAR, and regularly lectures and writes on publishing and the craft of writing, and was once a professional jazz musician. He was a regular reviewer for the international trade magazinePublishers Weekly, and is a published author of both fiction and non-fiction. He has also been the editor-in-chief of a Manhattan local newspaper, and a freelance editor and book doctor for major publishers.
Prior to becoming an agent Peter Rubie Literary Agent was a publishing house editor for nearly six years, whose authors won prizes and critical acclaim. He was a member of the NYU faculty for 10 years, and taught the only university-level course in the country on how to become a literary agent. Peter Rubie Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Peter Rubie and FinePrint Literary Management is part of a series about literary agents and Finding a Book Agent. Publishing Agent Peter Rubie is an agent with FinePrint Literary Management. Book Agent Peter Rubie is a former BBC Radio and Fleet Street journalist and for several years was the director of the publishing section of the New York University Summer Publishing Institute. Home » Book Agents » Literary Agent Peter Rubie – FinePrint Literary Management